The Mediator Effect of Loneliness Between Childhood Trauma and Criminal Tendency



Childhood Trauma, Loneliness, Crime, Tendency Towards Crime


The aim of the study is to determine the relationship between childhood traumas and criminal tendencies and the mediating effect of loneliness in this relationship. In the study, 410 adults were reached and the findings related to childhood traumas, loneliness and attitudes towards crime were given. The research was determined as a descriptive relational survey model. The data obtained in the research were analyzed with the statistical package program. In the evaluation of the data, number, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, anova, pearson correlation and linear regression analyzes were used as descriptive statistical methods. As a result of the research, it was determined that childhood trauma had a positive effect on attitudes towards crime. Loneliness was found to be a mediating variable between childhood trauma and attitudes towards crime.


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How to Cite

POMAKOĞLU, S. (2023). The Mediator Effect of Loneliness Between Childhood Trauma and Criminal Tendency. SOSYAL GELİŞİM DERGİSİ, 1(1), 115–124. Retrieved from


