The Effect of Knowledge Management on School Administrators' Decision Making Behaviours



Education Management, Decision Making, Knowledge Management, School Administrator


This study was conducted to examine the effect of knowledge management on school administrators' decision-making behaviours. For this purpose, a questionnaire consisting of personal information form, decision-making scale and knowledge management scale was applied to 186 administrators working in schools affiliated to the Ministry of National Education in Turkey in the 2022-2023 academic year. School administrators were selected by convenience sampling method in Üsküdar district of Istanbul. The data obtained were evaluated in computer environment using SPSS 22.0 statistical programme. In addition to calculating frequency percentages, statistical measures such as standard deviation and mean were also taken into account during data analysis. Correlation and regression analyses were also performed. As a result of the study, it was determined that school administrators had a high level of knowledge management. It was determined that school administrators showed high level of self-esteem and caution in their decisions, moderate level of avoidance and low level of procrastination and panic decision-making behaviours. In the study, it was also concluded that school administrators' knowledge management levels did not affect the levels of avoidant decision-making, procrastinating decision-making and panic decision-making, the knowledge sharing dimension positively affected the level of self-esteem in decision-making, and the dimensions of information gathering, information sharing and information storage positively affected and increased the careful decision-making behaviour.


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How to Cite

BUDAKOĞLU, B., AKKAN, Ömer, KANAT, E., ÖNAY, M., YETKİN , B., OVACIK, T., & UYSAL, N. (2023). The Effect of Knowledge Management on School Administrators’ Decision Making Behaviours. SOSYAL GELİŞİM DERGİSİ, 1(1), 27–34. Retrieved from


