Quality of Work Life and Related Factors According to Teacher Perceptions



Quality of Work Life, Teacher, School


This research aims to examine the quality of work life of teachers in Kadıköy, Istanbul. In this study, conducted in the 2023-2024 academic year, data collected from 295 teachers were analyzed. Data were collected using the "Quality of Work Life Scale" developed by Walker et al. (2009) and adapted into Turkish by Aba (2009). Scale; It consists of three sub-dimensions: business environment, working conditions and services provided. Research findings show that teachers' overall quality of work life scores are high. In terms of sub-dimensions; The business environment and services provided scores were found to be high, while the working conditions scores were found to be medium. In the analyzes made according to demographic variables, no significant differences were detected in the quality of work life scores in terms of gender, education level, marital status and working hours in the profession. However, it was found that the quality of work life scores of teachers who worked at the same school for 6 years or more were significantly higher than those of teachers who worked for 1-5 years. As a result, in order to increase the quality of teachers' work life, it is recommended to develop strategies that will encourage them to work at the same school for a long time. Such strategies can positively affect overall success in education by increasing teachers' professional satisfaction and motivation.


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How to Cite

DOKGÖZ, R., ELAGÖZ, H., ÖZTÜRK, D., ÖZTÜRK, A., GÜLAY, A., ŞAHİN, Z., & TARKAL, S. (2024). Quality of Work Life and Related Factors According to Teacher Perceptions. SOSYAL GELİŞİM DERGİSİ, 2(1), 18–26. Retrieved from https://sosyalgelisimdergisi.com/index.php/pub/article/view/36




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