The Impact of Job Satisfaction on Teacher Leadership among Secondary School Teachers



Professional Satisfaction, Teacher Leadership, Educational Management, Secondary School Teachers


This study aims to examine the effects of the professional satisfaction levels of secondary school teachers in Ankara on teacher leadership. In the study conducted using the descriptive and relational screening model, the relationships between the professional satisfaction levels and leadership behaviors of 246 teachers were examined. Data were collected with the Teacher Professional Satisfaction Scale and the Teacher Leadership Scale. The findings show that the professional satisfaction levels of teachers are generally at a moderate level (mean score 95.45). A positive and significant relationship was found between professional satisfaction and teacher leadership (r=0.56, p<0.001). Regression analysis shows that each unit increase in professional satisfaction leads to a 0.45 unit increase in teacher leadership score (B=0.45, p<0.001). When the sub-dimensions of professional satisfaction are examined, it is seen that the effect of administrative characteristics on teacher leadership is higher (B=0.28, p<0.001). This finding shows that teachers' greater participation in administrative processes positively affects their leadership behaviors. As a result, it was determined that teachers' professional satisfaction levels have a significant and positive effect on teacher leadership. The increase in professional satisfaction strengthens teachers' leadership behaviors and contributes to their taking a more effective role in educational processes.


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How to Cite

PEKİNCE, S., EKİZ, A., EKİZ, Y. H., AKKAYA, S., & TOLUNBİKE, S. (2023). The Impact of Job Satisfaction on Teacher Leadership among Secondary School Teachers. SOSYAL GELİŞİM DERGİSİ, 2(1), 35–44. Retrieved from


