Investigation of Crisis Management Skills of Primary, Secondary and High School School Principals According to Teachers' Perceptions



Education Management, Crisis Management, Crisis Management Skills, Crisis Period


School is the core of educational institutions. Schools, which are educational institutions, have duties that must be carried out within themselves. Schools may encounter some difficulties in the process of fulfilling their duties internally and externally. To the extent of their ability to cope with these difficulties and problems, schools should be prepared for the possible crisis circumstances, manage the crisis period and eliminate all negative outcomes of the crisis after it is gone. In the study, crisis management skills of school principals were examined. For this purpose, the perceived crisis management levels of teachers who currenlty work in schools, were examined for school principals, and the factors affecting the perceived crisis management were determined. SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) Windows 25.0 program was used for the analysis of the data collected in the study. Normal distribution congruity was checked with normality tests, kurtosis skewness values and scatter charts. Since the normal distribution could not be achieved, two groups were compared for the comparison of quantitative data, Mann Whitney U test, Kruskal Wallis H analysis was used for comparing more than two groups, and multiple comparison test was used to determine from which group the difference originated from. It has been determined that the perceived school principal's crisis management skills differ according to the demographic characteristics of the teacher such as professional seniority and age.


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How to Cite

TANRIVERDİ, M. A., DİKBAŞ, Ömer, ÇETİN, K., & CEBİROĞLU, K. (2023). Investigation of Crisis Management Skills of Primary, Secondary and High School School Principals According to Teachers’ Perceptions. SOSYAL GELİŞİM DERGİSİ, 1(1), 1–20. Retrieved from


